via del Mare 2/d - 2^ piano 00071 Pomezia (RM)

Labour Consultancy

Backed by over 30 years of experience, the Firm provides clients with total support in the vast field of labour consultancy.

In fact, the services offered cover a whole range of activities:

  • second level wage bargaining;
  • company regulations;
  • disciplinary procedures;
  • legislation on employment incentives;
  • management of mandatory placements (e.g. agreements, probation periods, dismissal);
  • opportunities for contract flexibility;
  • social security cushions (CIGO – CIGS [various levels of benefit for laid-off workers] – Mobilità [a form of redeployment or mobility allowance]);
  • assistance with inspection visits;
  • cost analyses for optimising company productivity;
  • the analysis and definition of company organisation charts, positions of personnel, the structure of delegated powers;
  • outsourcing of ancillary activities and services;
  • dismissals;
  • discontinuation of business activity;
  • collective secondment and transfer of personnel;
  • external work assignments and contracting policies for company units;
  • specialisation in outsourcing personnel management, and in all associated obligations, for medium and large businesses directly through the clients’ IT systems.

Furthermore, the assistance given to clients during inspections makes it possible to plan well in advance for any challenges that might be made by the competent bodies and, when necessary, to plan an appeal should the inspection report not be favourable.

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