Studio Tozzi & C., which has always been rooted in its traditions and strengthened by its experience, but with a careful view and always looking to the future and constant improvement, has implemented an Integrated Management System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 and UNI CEI ISO / IEC 27001: 2017, obtaining the related quality certifications.
This goal has allowed Studio Tozzi & C. to:
- demonstrate their ability to provide high quality professional services that comply with customer expectations, the requirements of the reference standards, as well as the requirements of the deontological rules of the professional associations to which they belong, which regulate the numerous procedures, practices and activities carried out daily;
- increase customer / user satisfaction through the effective application of the SGI and continuous improvement processes and ensuring compliance with the requirements established by the mandatory regulations and applicable regulations;
- contribute, with its green-oriented policy, to respect for the environment in which we live, for the benefit of all the stakeholders that revolve around it and the community in general.